Your writing, Nancy, is so clever, so good!
why these war-beasts have kept me on i haven't a clue.
perhaps my ruddy complexion is a reminder of the basic hue of a home deserted yet scarcely forgotten.. .
i cannot by any stretch of the imagination -- and there's been a great deal of such "stretching" lately -- attribute to these coarse and loathsome creatures any delicate sentiment characteristic of our gentler race.
jd souther ... is most widely known for his part in writing somber, elegiac songs that the eagles and linda ronstadt made famous, such as "new kid in town," heartache tonight," and "faithless love.
" the new yorker, february 13 & 20, 2012, troubadour, page 36.. .
"i've never made a record in new york, start to finish," he went on.
why these war-beasts have kept me on i haven't a clue.
perhaps my ruddy complexion is a reminder of the basic hue of a home deserted yet scarcely forgotten.. .
i cannot by any stretch of the imagination -- and there's been a great deal of such "stretching" lately -- attribute to these coarse and loathsome creatures any delicate sentiment characteristic of our gentler race.
good grief thats all we need..... these phones take so much concentration from the world about them for their users they are dangerous.. i was out on my bike on a bike path and nearly skittled two teen somethings who just meandered out in front of me in 'convo' and with buds and oblivious to traffic about them.
not just teens either the law here gives heavy fines for anyone phoning or texting while driving..
It's not that I'm unfavorable toward advanced technology, but the TIME and EFFORT and MONEY involved is beyond my ability to handle.
I have an old Canon Powershot that works great, but the photos must be loaded to my ancient (ten years old) laptop before I can send them out. It's a bummer, sure, that I have to keep the batteries in with a rubber band. Small worry there. Not as instant as Instagram, but must everything we do be instantaneous?!?!?!?!?
I carry several paper notebooks with me and write down needed info WITH A PENCIL. It works. The worst deal is my lead breaks. I carry a small pencil sharpener with me at all times. I am prepared!
All of the above is cheap and problem free. Well, my pc is rather slow, but, then, so am I!
the tender of the flock.
what manner of adversary are you, o cupid, my newest enemy and cleaver of a heart.
rent in two by love's dart unwanted?scarce would i seek your quiver emptied of all.
the tender of the flock.
what manner of adversary are you, o cupid, my newest enemy and cleaver of a heart.
rent in two by love's dart unwanted?scarce would i seek your quiver emptied of all.
On the slim chance anyone reads this, did you fall in love with one of the sheep while "tending the flock," i.e., carrying out, in all sincerity, your Theocratic assignments? Guys or gals, all the same in love and war.
It was a thin line between agape love and the "other" one, the one that could lead to ruin.
Oh, well, I hope someone comments . . .
the tender of the flock.
what manner of adversary are you, o cupid, my newest enemy and cleaver of a heart.
rent in two by love's dart unwanted?scarce would i seek your quiver emptied of all.
The Tender of the Flock
What manner of adversary are you, O Cupid,
My newest enemy and cleaver of a heart
Rent in two by Love's dart unwanted?
Scarce would I seek your quiver emptied of all
Implements of Love's war, if but to liberate
This shepherd boy from a wasting sickness
Brought upon an unsuspecting and pure spirit.
Content have I been to drink in Nature's
Beauty and surfeit my pining soul with
Her manifold bounties.
She and she alone has been,
To present, sufficient food for all
My youthful cravings.
Now, because of you,
Despised one, my once
Simple eye has become darkened.
The Serpent has coiled round and round.
He holds tight fast and lets flow his venom
Slow and insuperable till my full
Allegiance becomes guaranteed.
That dear, dear and innocent tender
Of the fold abides no more.
Your arrows, O Cupid, are they clad
In lead or are they sheathed in gold?
O, cunning and ruthless One, I have become
Weary from a desire heretofore unknown.
I am sickened at my very center.
Flesh and resolve, at one time resistant
To sin's allure, are now troubled by
Inconvenient stirrings.
They rumble deep within a frame of roiling
And burning blood that seeks an unlikely cooling.
Come closer, dear Cupid, for I speak only in jest.
Truly, do I love you.
Before this febrile brow breaks its hold,
However, would I have clipped your wings
If upon your cursed neck I should fall?
Love's sweet suffering has made a blameless
Child mad and unaccountable for his present
State of amorous intoxication.
I pray the gods render righteous judgment on my
Behalf, should my madness . . . should my madness
Lead to Cupid's demise by a strangler's hand. . . .
like the night before, and so many others too numerous to count, i am awake.
widely and wildly.. stumbling to my crowded desk, i sit like a spineless lump upon my ladder back and settle in for the duration.
i light a new candle, earlier fitted into a brass holder, and, by fits and starts, i commence putting pencil to paper.
So, too, mine . . .
Thanks for responding.
A friend -- pro photographer -- was there and captured all the phases. I can vicariously tune in and find words appropriate to the task.
Your reply is appreciated.
an ever revealing awareness possesses me:never again shall the cool, comforting reposeof sleep calm my worried brow.
i pace my litter-strewn floor, i walk the shadowed lane below, yet.
that ardent promise of darkened reverie become sweetslumber is as certain as the sun shall not set and the moon.
an ever revealing awareness possesses me:never again shall the cool, comforting reposeof sleep calm my worried brow.
i pace my litter-strewn floor, i walk the shadowed lane below, yet.
that ardent promise of darkened reverie become sweetslumber is as certain as the sun shall not set and the moon.
An ever revealing awareness possesses me:
never again shall the cool, comforting repose
Of sleep calm my worried brow. I pace my litter-
strewn floor, I walk the shadowed lane below, yet
That ardent promise of darkened reverie become sweet
slumber is as certain as the sun shall not set and the moon
Not rise, ere this wretch steps into that blessed realm of eternal
rest that, at long last, will put to bed all care, all worry, my soul.